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1951 Press Photo Maps of Indo-China and North and South Korea《Black Water Museum Collections》


1951 Press Photo Maps of Indo-China and North and South Korea《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國40年越南及南北韓新聞照片情勢圖《黑水博物館館藏》
1951 Press Photo Maps of Indo-China and North and South Korea《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國40年越南及南北韓新聞照片情勢圖《黑水博物館館藏》

international Sound photo) 1-17-51...(MAP AT LEFT) Shaded arrow (1) indicates area where Communist -supplied Viet-Ninh rebels have started an offensive against French forces in Indo-China. Other Viet Minh rebel concentrations have been active northwest of Saigon (2). (RIGHT) In west (1) U.S. forces withdrew from Suwon and set up a li 0 at southern edge. Probing forces clashed with the enemy northeast of Osan (arrows). In central Korea (2) UN troops ambushed 400 Reds tryi to enter Yongwol. A line is formed north of key Chungju. Superforts bombed Kaesong (3), Pyongyang (4) and Chongju (5) and other Red supply line points (bomb blast symbols) sent 10:50 am EST

1951 Press Photo Maps of Indo-China and North and South Korea《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國40年越南及南北韓新聞照片情勢圖《黑水博物館館藏》
1951 Press Photo Maps of Indo-China and North and South Korea《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國40年越南及南北韓新聞照片情勢圖《黑水博物館館藏》


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