NATIONAL LIBERTY SHIP MEMORIAL SS JEREMIAH O'BRIEN original boiler Tube Segment No.576(1943-2021)
自由級運輸艦歐布萊恩號 ,鍋爐管,序號.576號(民國32年至110年|主曆1943年至2021年)《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》


We hope you enjoy owning this piece of history. We wanted to take a moment and thank you for your contribution, and to explain its importance.
This year we are headed into one of the largest dry docks in our organization's history. This dry dock period will seek an aggressive amount of preservation work completed on our hull, internal tanks, statutory inspections, and will address any issues that may arise during those inspections. Coating the steel in these areas is vital to the long-term preservation and operation of the SS JEREMIAH O'BRIEN.
Thank you for making this preservation work a reality.
Warmest regards,
Forrest Booth PRESIDENT

This cross section is original boiler tube from the Liberty Ship SS JEREMIAH O'BRIEN
Installed in 1943, it produced steam for the ship during the D-Day invasion at Normandy, and went on to remain in service until 2021 when it was replaced as part of a boiler re-tubing.
The textured interior is the result of over eight decades of water, heat pressure, and steam.
