Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) Plaque, July 1969 A.D.- Relics of P. fr. Lorenzo Fornaro, Italy
阿波羅 11 號登月艙銘牌,主曆 1969 年 7 月 - 桃園市民族路天主堂義大利伏迺樂神父遺物《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
Print facsimile of the Lunar Plaque , left on the Moon , in the Apollo 11 mission :
Here Men From The Planet Earth
First Set Foot Upon The Moon
July 1969 , A. D.
We Came In Peace For All Mankind
Neil A. Armstrong , Astronaut Michael Collins , Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin , Jr. , Astronaut
Richard Nixon , President , United States Of America