G.I. Sketch BOOK FIGHTING FORCES, EDITED BY AIMÉE CRANE, INFANTRY JOURNAL PENGUIN BOOKS S225,1944 (民國33年) 《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

THE drawings and paintings in G. I. Sketch Book have all been made by American G. I.'s, and many of them have been produced under the most trying battle conditions. Thumbing through the book, you will find some sketches made in a fox hole, some made under fire on shipboard. Many scenes were sketched on wrapping pa- per, some painted on ship's canvas with ship's paint.
The fighting man who looks through this book will find personalized mili- tary information that will prove valu- able to him later on. He will get an authentic picture of life on a trans- port, he will learn about life close be- hind the front, he will view pictures of battle conditions aboard an aircraft carrier as well as in the steaming jun- gles of the South Pacific. He will even learn what the Japanese "knee mor tar" is like. The man who has stud- ied these pictures before being shipped will, because of that study, ad- just himself more rapidly to overseas life. And he will carry with him many pleasant memories of artistic sketches and finished pictures first dis- covered in G. I. Sketch Book.

SCHOLARS will tell you there are many different kinds of true histories; but basically there are only two. The first describes a series of connected actions and reactions. This is the standard name-and-date kind of history. The other type is that which tells you what events mean in human terms. G. I. SKETCH BOOK is such a history. Through informal drawings and paintings made by G. I.'s it shows how events have influenced our fighting men and how the men in turn have helped shape events.