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"National Maritime Day" May 22, 1944 125th Anniversary Souvenir Sheet

"National Maritime Day" May 22, 1944 125th Anniversary of THE Steamship "Savannah" - First One To Cross The Atlantic Souvenir Sheet | Black Water Museum Collection

Trans-Atlantic S. S. Service, 1819 -- May 22nd -- 1944

The P. O. Department issued a 3c. stamp to commemorate this event on May 22nd, 1944.

Approved by the National Poster Stamp Society, Chicago, Ill., Certificate No. 171, Published by F. H. D.-Designed by L. W. S.

Honoring the 125th Anniversary of Trans-Atlantic S. S. Service.

 "National Maritime Day" May 22, 1944 125th Anniversary of THE Steamship "Savannah" - First One To Cross The Atlantic Souvenir Sheet | Black Water Museum Collection
"National Maritime Day" May 22, 1944 125th Anniversary of THE Steamship "Savannah" - First One To Cross The Atlantic Souvenir Sheet | Black Water Museum Collection

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