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美國海軍,玳瑁號潛艦(SS-366) 艦長,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)照片遺物《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》


Photo relics of Francis Worth Scanland, Jr., Captain of the USS Hawkbill (SS-366) .

美國海軍,玳瑁號潛艦(SS-366) 艦長,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)照片遺物《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

由左至右:待考(左),盟軍中國戰區最高統帥蔣中正(中),小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德 艦長(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)
由左至右:待考(左),盟軍中國戰區最高統帥蔣中正(中),小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德 艦長(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)

由左至右:待考(左),盟軍中國戰區最高統帥蔣中正(中),小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德 艦長(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr

Photo relics of Francis Worth Scanland, Jr., Captain of the USS Hawkbill (SS-366) .  美國海軍,玳瑁號潛艦(SS-366) 艦長,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)照片遺物《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
Photo relics of Francis Worth Scanland, Jr., Captain of the USS Hawkbill (SS-366) . 美國海軍,玳瑁號潛艦(SS-366) 艦長,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)照片遺物《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

USS Besugo (SS-321)(Balao class submarine)

USS Spinax (SS-489) operated out of that port until 1 November 1954 when she sailed for an extended tour in the Far East. The submarine operated with the Seventh Fleet and then visited the Philippines, Hong Kong, Formosa, and Japan before returning to San Diego on 7 May 1955.


民國33年(主曆1944年)1月9日,玳瑁號潛艦(SS-366)於威斯康辛州的萬利多造船廠下水。(萬利多造船廠是唯一從側邊下水的地方—原因是河道太窄,這也是德國偏好用來作為其潛艦下水的方式。)由小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德夫人(Mrs. Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)主持下水儀式,同年的5月17日正式服役;艦長為小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德少校。以「玳瑁(Hawksbill)」海龜來命名,在試俥期間不小心漏掉了「s」而沿用其拼法。在大湖區(Great Lakes)訓練一段時間後,該潛艦於該年6月1日自萬利多(Manitowo)啟程,展開漫長的伊利諾河(Illinois River)的下行之旅,最後利用船隻駁運下到密西西比(Mississippi)。6月10日抵達紐奧良(New Orleans),而在戰鬥裝載作業完成後,於6月16日駛離位於運河區巴爾布瓦(Balboa, Canal Zone)的潛艦基地,進行訓練。在這次重要的訓練結束後,該艦於7月28日抵達珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)進行最後的準備工作,準備迎接她第一次的戰鬥巡邏任務。



Captain Scanland addresses the crew during commissioning ceremonies.  史坎蘭德艦長在服役典禮上向船員們演講。
Captain Scanland addresses the crew during commissioning ceremonies. 史坎蘭德艦長在服役典禮上向船員們演講。

Captain Scanland addresses the crew during commissioning ceremonies.  史坎蘭德艦長在服役典禮上向船員們演講。
Captain Scanland addresses the crew during commissioning ceremonies. 史坎蘭德艦長在服役典禮上向船員們演講。


民國33年(主曆1944年),全新的潛艦玳瑁號(SS 366) 不久前由萬利多(威斯康辛州)造船廠完工,新近加入美國海軍的服役行列。為了這一天,該潛艦的軍官與船員們已經花了許多時間在籌備工作上;萬利多當地的官員與民意代表們順利幫我們找到了當地一所中學的體育館作為舞會舉辦的場地。日期已經安排好了,重要的賓客已收到邀請,會場也已佈置完成,來自芝加哥附近的大湖區海軍訓練站美妙的格林-米勒(Glen Miller)風格樂團已經應允負責當晚的音樂與舞蹈。

舞會當日前約莫一週時,我—作為這艘新潛艦未來的艦長—接到一通來自芝加哥的全國音樂家工會主席辦公室的電話,告知我工會禁止軍方樂團在軍事基地以外的地方所舉行的軍方活動裡表演,同時要是我們還想繼續我們表定的舞會內容,我們必須要僱用工會的樂團。我去電海軍部長辦公室確認這一驚人的消息,然後證實工會負責人(詹姆士-)凱撒-裴崔羅([James] Caesar Petrillo)先生所言不虛..我們必須僱用裴崔羅先生的樂團。

我的反應是完全地不可置信,這艘船裡頭充滿自尊心的船員怎麼會成為一群逃避兵役的人的俘虜,而且是在他們準備出發前往西太平洋與敵人進行出生入死的戰鬥之際?沒這回事!!!我撥電話給好夥伴喬治-格瑞德(George Grider),下了一道命令,「喬治,請你在體育館地下室安排一個房間,確認裡頭有椅子,同時門上有鎖。當裴崔羅先生的樂團到了的時候,把他們送進去,告訴他們如果樓上的舞會還在進行時,他們的演奏卻停了的話,他們就領不到錢。之後就把他們留下,鎖上門,偶爾派個人下去確認他們有在演奏就行了。」


The cake is officially cut at the party.


Movie star Spencer Tracy, while attending the ceremony, chats with crewman Hank Norde.

參加典禮的影星史賓塞-崔西(Spencer Tracy),正與船員漢克-諾德(Hank Norde)聊天。

Spencer Tracy about to inspect the inside of the Hawkbill.

史賓塞-崔西(Spencer Tracy)準備察看玳瑁號內部。

CO Worth Scanland and XO George Grider  沃斯-史坎蘭德艦長與喬治-格瑞德副長
CO Worth Scanland and XO George Grider 沃斯-史坎蘭德艦長與喬治-格瑞德副長

CO Worth Scanland and XO George Grider  沃斯-史坎蘭德艦長與喬治-格瑞德副長
CO Worth Scanland and XO George Grider 沃斯-史坎蘭德艦長與喬治-格瑞德副長

日本投降之後,玳瑁號駛往珍珠港。民國34年(主曆1945年)9月22日前往舊金山。她於民國37年(主曆1948年)9月30日於馬雷島(Mare Island)退役,並且加入備役艦隊。民國41年(主曆1952年),玳瑁號從備役艦隊退役,同時在民國42年(主曆1953年)4月21日,根據軍事援助計畫被出借給荷蘭,以海獅號(ZEELEEUW,S-803)之名服役。


編注:民國59年(主曆1970年),玳瑁號以報廢品被賣給一家荷蘭公司。關於海獅號(S-803)的完整歷史與圖片,請見 Zeeleeuw翻譯後的意思是「海獅」,發音為「Zay Lay'oh」。



Peto SS-265 Pogy SS-266 Pompton SS-267 Puffer SS-268 Rasher SS-269 Raton SS-270 Ray SS-271 Redfin SS-272 Robalo* SS-273 Rock SS-274 Golet* SS-361 Guavina SS-362 Guitarro SS-363 Hammerhead SS-364 Hardhead SS-365 Hawkbill SS-366 Icefish SS-367 Jallao SS-368 Kete* SS-369 Kraken SS-370 Lagarto* SS-371 Lamprey SS-372 Lizzardfish SS-373 Loggerhead SS-374 Macabi SS-375 Mapiro SS-376 Menhaden SS-377 Mero SS-378



Brief History of the Hawkbill SS-366

HAWKBILL (SS-366) was launched by Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, Wis. 9 January 1944; [Manitowoc was the only place that launched sideways--due to the narrow river. This was also the preferred method used by the Germans for their U Boats] sponsored by Mrs. F. W. Scanland, Jr., and commissioned 17 May 1944, Lt. Comdr. F. W. Scanland, Jr., in command. Named for the Hawksbill sea turtle, the "s" was inadvertently dropped at commissioning. Following a period of training on the Great Lakes, the submarine departed 1 June 1944 from Manitowo to begin the long journey down the Illinois River and finally by barge down the Mississippi. She arrived New Orleans 10 June and, after combat loading, sailed 16 June for training out of the submarine base, Balboa, Canal Zone. With this vital training completed, she arrived Pearl Harbor 28 July for final preparations before her first war patrol.

Captain Scanland related the following incident concerning the commissioning party:

An Encounter With Organized Labor

One of the most important ceremonies associated with the commissioning of a new ship in the U.S.Navy is the all hands social party held by the prospective officers, enlisted crew and their wives and girl friends. By tradition everyone wears his dress uniform, the ladies are in their best gowns and long skirts, the ballroom is decorated with signal flags and bunting, the best available music plays and the refreshments flow. It is a very special occasion, serving to bring the ship's company together to form that magic combination of men and their ship, and especially in time of war, to mark the approaching day of departure for sea and combat.

In 1944 the brand new submarine HAWKBILL (SS 366) had recently been completed by the Manitowo (Wisconsin) Shipbuilding Company, and had just been commissioned into the United States Navy. In planning for this day officers and men of her crew had spent many hours. The city fathers of Manitowoc had come to our rescue by offering the gymnasium of the local high school as the place for our party,. The date was set, invitations sent out to VIP guests, the hall decorated and the wonderful Glen Miller style dance band from the Great Lakes Naval Training Station near Chicago promised for the music and dancing.

A week or so before that date of the party I, as the prospective skipper of the new submarine, received a telephone call from the office of the president of the national musicians' union, located in Chicago. I was informed that it was forbidden by the union for a military band to perform at a military event conducted other than on a military base, and if we intended to carry out the plans for our party we would be obliged to hire a union orchestra. I telephoned the office of the Secretary of the Navy to verify this amazing information, and was assured that Mr. [James] Caesar Petrillo, the union boss, was correct... we were required to hire Mr. Petillo's orchestra!

My reaction was unabashed disbelief. How could any self respecting ship's company be held captive by a bunch of draft dodgers when they were about to sail to the western Pacific to engage the enemy in life threatening combat? NEVER!!! I called in George Grider, our wonderful Executive Officer, and issued an order. "George, please locate a small room in the basement of the gymnasium, and see that it has some chairs in it and a lock on the door. When Mr. Petrillo's orchestra arrives, escort them there. Tell them if they stop playing music during the party upstairs, there will be no pay. Then leave them and lock the door. Send an officer down there once in awhile to make sure they play.

That evening the Navy band played their marvelous swing music for us and our guests until midnight, when we were all ready to call it a night. Just a handful knew that down in the basement Mr. Petrillo's musicians played only to themselves.

Following the surrender of Japan, HAWKBILL sailed to Pearl Harbor, departing 22 September 1945 for San Francisco. She decommissioned at Mare Island 30 September 1948 and joined the Reserve Fleet.

Brought out of reserve in 1952, HAWKBILL was loaned to the Netherlands under the Military Assistance Program 21 April 1953 and served as ZEELEEUW (S-803).

Hawkbill serving as Zeeleeuw S-803

Ed note: The Hawkbill was sold in 1970 to a Dutch Company for scrap. For a complete history and pictures of the Zeeleeuw S-803 Zeeleeuw translated means "Sea

Lion" and is pronounced Zay Lay'oh.

HAWKBILL received six battle stars for World War II service. All five of her war patrols were designated successful, and she received a Navy Unit Commendation for her outstanding performance on all five patrols.

The 28 Boats built in Manitowoe during WWII

Peto SS-265 Pogy SS-266 Pompton SS-267 Puffer SS-268 Rasher SS-269 Raton SS-270 Ray SS-271 Redfin SS-272 Robalo* SS-273   Rock SS-274 Golet* SS-361   Guavina SS-362 Guitarro SS-363 Hammerhead SS-364 Hardhead SS-365 Hawkbill SS-366 Icefish SS-367 Jallao SS-368 Kete* SS-369   Kraken SS-370 Lagarto* SS-371  Lamprey SS-372 Lizzardfish SS-373 Loggerhead SS-374 Macabi SS-375 Mapiro SS-376 Menhaden SS-377 Mero SS-378

* Lost in Combat


小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德(Francis Worth Scanland. Jr)於民國91年(主曆2002年)8月12日逝世。他於民國元年(主曆1912年)9月17日出生於馬里蘭州的巴爾的摩。

在民國19年(主曆1930年)從路易斯安那州,被指派到馬里蘭州安納波里斯郡(Annapolis)的美國海軍學院之前,他曾就讀維吉尼亞州維恩斯伯若郡(Waynesboro)的費許伯恩軍事學校(Fishburne Military School)。民國23年(主曆1934年)5月31日畢業後獲授階為海軍少尉,隨後他於民國42年(主曆1953年)7月1日晉升軍階為海軍上校

民國23年(主曆1934年)自海軍學院畢業之後,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德加入愛達荷號戰艦(USS IDAHO,BB-42),並於民國24年6月轉到霍維號驅逐艦(USS HOVEY,DD-208/DMS-11)。民國25年(主曆1936年)5-6月間,他在布魯克斯號驅逐艦(USS BROOKS,DD-232/APD-10)服役;之後他前往康乃狄克州新倫敦郡(New London)的海軍潛艦基地(Submarine Base)接受潛艦訓練。民國26年(主曆1937年)3月,他前往美國亞洲艦隊第五潛水艇中隊的USS S-39潛水艇(SS-144)報到。民國28年(主曆1939年)7月,他被指派前往康乃狄克州葛羅頓(Groton)的(通用)電子船艦廠(Electric Boat Company)執行海龍號潛艦(USS SEA DRAGON,SS-194)的艤裝任務。

海龍號自民國28年(主曆1939年)10月23日正式服役時,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德也加入;民國30年(主曆1941年)8月,他因臨時任務被派往劍魚號潛艦(USS SWORDFISH,SS-193)。兩個月之後,也就是民國30年(主曆1941年)10月,他被短暫改編至鮪魚號潛艦(USS TUNA ,SS-203);而在民國31年(主曆1942年)1到6月間,他在華盛頓特區海軍工廠(Navy Yard)的深海潛水學校(Deep Sea Diving School)授課。民國31年6月,他被指派前往(位在威斯康辛州的)萬利多造船廠(Manitowac Shipbuilding Company),協助棘鰆號潛艦(USS PETO,SS-265)的艤裝任務。民國31年11月21日該艦正式服役後,他以副長(XO - Executive Officer)身份報到登艦。

民國32年(主曆1943年)8月,他離開棘鰆號潛水艇,在西南太平洋戰區潛水艇司令部擔任參謀,並且在康乃狄克州新倫敦郡的海軍潛水艇基地的未來指揮官學校教課。之後,在民國33年(主曆1944年)1月,他前往萬利多造船廠參與玳瑁號潛艦(USS HAWKBILL,SS-366)的艤裝任務。民國33年5月17日,該艦正式服役,小法蘭西斯-沃斯-史坎蘭德就任指揮官。由於在指揮這艘水下戰艦期間的傑出貢獻,他獲頒了銀星勳章、海軍十字勳章、金星勳章(代替第二枚的銀星勳章)、懋績勛章、第二枚金星勳章(代替第三枚的銀星勳章),表彰內容部份摘錄如下:

銀星勳章:「自民國33年(主曆1944年)9 月9 日至10 月10 日,因為在(玳瑁號)第一次戰鬥巡邏(First War Patrol)任務中,於南中國海敵軍日本所控制的海域及菲律賓群島地區所表現的無懼與英勇,熟練地操控其潛艦針對兩支重兵護衛的敵軍艦隊就攻擊位置;儘管在敵軍強大的防空武力保護下,(他)所指揮的攻擊造成兩艘敵軍貨船沈沒,以及其它兩艘船隻受損...」

海軍十字勳章:「自民國33年(主曆1944 年)11 月15 日至34年(主曆1945 年)1 月5 日,擔任玳瑁號潛艦指揮官期間,在敵軍日本所控制的海域執行第二次戰鬥巡邏(Second War Patrol )任務時所展現的無比英勇氣概,史坎蘭德指揮官採用極具侵略性與頑強的戰術,針對敵軍船隻發起一系列精彩無比的魚雷攻擊,擊沈了一艘日本的驅逐艦、一艘高速運輸艦,和一艘總重2300噸的貨船(sea truck);縱使敵軍採取了反制措施,他冷靜而熟練地指揮該艦,並安全返抵港口...」

金星勳章(代替第二枚的銀星勳章):「自民國34年(主曆1945年)2月4日至4月6日,在第三次戰鬥巡邏(Third War Patrol)任務中...於西南太平洋地區敵軍日本所控制的海域...所表現的無懼與英勇,在2月20至21日晚間對敵軍護衛艦隊發動攻擊之後,史坎蘭德指揮官採用技巧性的迴避誘導戰術,避免了一艘近在1,300碼(約1,189公尺)距離的護衛艦在發現他的潛艇行蹤後,所進行的槍林彈雨進攻之損害。接著,他以無所畏懼的姿態再度發起攻擊,分別擊沈一艘大型及一艘中型的貨船,六枚魚雷六次命中。而在第三次進攻裡,他從很淺的水下攻擊敵軍艦隊,但因魚雷的磷光艉跡被敵軍偵測到而遭閃避未中。而在另外一次於龍目海峽(Lombok Strait)的管制海域裡所執行的危險的特別任務時,史坎蘭德指揮官積極地指揮其火砲與魚雷組員作戰,計擊沈了兩艘小型貨船、一艘獵潛艦(PC)、十艘登陸艇,從而有效地清理了此一重要的水道...」

懋績勛章(legion of merit):「自民國34年(主曆1945年)5月5日至6月18日,作為玳瑁號潛艦指揮官在該艦第四次戰鬥巡邏(Fourth War Patrol)任務中,於西南太平洋地區敵軍日本控制的海域...所展現的非凡領導指揮。面對一艘接近盟軍雷區的敵軍佈雷艦英勇地進行水面攻擊,在約31公尺(17噚)深的水下,(他)發射魚雷,其中兩枚重傷目標;而在敵軍猛烈砲火攻勢下他不斷嘗試重新進攻,最後他終於發射另一枚魚雷擊沈敵艦...」

第二枚金星勳章(代替第三枚的銀星勳章):「自民國34年(主曆1945年)7月12日至8月19日,作為玳瑁號潛艦指揮官在該艦第五次戰鬥巡邏(Fifth War Patrol)任務期間,於西南太平洋戰爭區域敵軍日本控制的海域裡所展現的無懼與英勇...史坎蘭德指揮官即使面對敵軍猛烈的反制措施,依舊不放棄任何機會找尋敵人並摧毀之。7月18日,他對一艘武力強大的敵軍驅逐艦發起一次大膽的進攻,雖然攻擊過程中遭受敵軍深水炸彈的激烈攻擊,他成功地保住自己的潛艦免遭徹底摧毀。在某前進基地完成緊急搶修後,繼續他的巡邏任務並進行新一波的攻擊,擊沈五艘敵軍船艦,總計七百噸。8月11日,他指揮一項在印尼仙灘島德蘭帕的登陸行動,摧毀了日本駐防要塞及其汽油倉庫...」

他也因為在玳瑁號潛水艇前四次的戰爭巡邏中傑出英勇表現,獲得了美國海軍單位獎章(Navy Unit Commendation)。

民國35年(主曆1946年)3月,他卸下玳瑁號潛艦的指揮權,前往佛羅里達州齊維斯特(Key West)的潛艦基地(Submarine Base)服役。在齊維斯特期間,他擔任杜魯門總統的海軍武官,他時常陪伴總統散步,對杜魯門知之甚詳。史坎蘭德在齊維斯特待到民國36年(主曆1947年)8月,之後前往德州庇里斯堡(Fort Bliss)的防空與導彈學校上課。民國37年(主曆1948年)7到10月間,他被分派到加州暮古角(Point Mugu)的海軍航空飛彈測試中心;民國37年10月,他加入第七潛艦戰隊指揮部參謀。民國38年(主曆1949年)11月,他被改編至第五潛艦戰隊指揮部參謀。民國39年(主曆1950年)1月,他擔任第51潛艦分隊指揮官。而從民國40年(主曆1951年)4月到民國42年(主曆1953年)5月,他擔任馬里蘭州印地安黑德市(Indian Head)海軍火藥廠(Naval Powder Factory)的副指揮官,之後升指揮官。

民國42年(主曆1953年)5月,他以參謀長身份向第一潛艦分遣隊司令部報到。民國43年(主曆1954年)7月,他成為第五潛艦戰隊指揮官(Submarine Squadron Five (SubRon 5))。民國44年(主曆1955年)9月到民國45年(主曆1956年)2月,他擔任托羅法納號加油補給艦(USS Tolovana,AO-64艦長;之後,他擔任海軍部海軍作戰部長辦公室彈道飛彈處處長。民國46年(主曆1957年)4月,他加入第20航母總隊司令部擔任參謀長兼副官;翌年,他被派任第19驅逐艦中隊指揮官。民國48年(主曆1959年)3月,他被改派至南卡羅萊納州查爾斯頓海軍彈藥庫擔任指揮官。民國50年(主曆1961年)夏天,他成為海軍部海軍武器局水下作戰計畫處主任;一年後,受命擔任維吉尼亞州約克鎮(Yorktown)海軍武器站的指揮官。


Francis Worth Scanland Jr died 8/12/20002.  He was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on September 17, 1912


He attended Fishburne Military School, Waynesboro, Virginia, prior to his appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, from the State of Louisiana in 1930. Graduated and commissioned Ensign on May 31, 1934, he subsequently advanced in rank attaining that of Captain, to date from July 1, 1953. 


Following graduation from the Naval Academy in 1934, he joined the USS IDAHO and in June 1935 transferred to the USS HOVEY. During May and June 1936 he served in the USS BROOKS, after which he had submarine training at the Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut. He reported in March 1937 aboard the USS S-39, operating with Submarine Squadron FIVE, Asiatic Fleet, and in July 1939 was assigned fitting out duty in the USS SEA DRAGON, at the Electric Boat Company, Groton, Connecticut. 


He joined the SEA DRAGON upon her commissioning on October 23, 1939, and in August 1941 was detached for duty in the USS SWORDFISH. Two months later (October 1941) he transferred to the USS TUNA for brief service and between January and June 1942 had instruction at the Deep Sea Diving School, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. In June 1942 he was assigned to the Manitowac (Wisconsin) Shipbuilding Company, to assist in the fitting out of the USS PETO. He reported aboard that submarine as Executive Officer upon her commissioning, November 21, 1942. 


Detached from the PETO in August 1943, he had duty on the staff of Commander Submarines, Southwest Pacific and instruction at the Prospective Commanding Officers School, Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut, prior to reporting in January 1944 for fitting out duty in the USS HAWKBILL at the Manitowac Shipbuilding Company. He assumed command of that submarine upon her commissioning on May 17, 1944. For outstanding services while in command of that undersea craft he was awarded the Silver Star Medal, the Navy Cross, a Gold Star in lieu of the Second Silver Star Medal, the Legion of Merit with Combat "V", and a Gold Star in lieu of the Third Silver Star Medal. The citations follow in part: 


Silver Star Medal: "For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity ...during (the HAWKBILL's) First War Patrol in enemy Japanese controlled waters in the South China Sea and the Philippine Islands Area from September 9 to October 10, 1944. Skillfully maneuvering his submarine into attack position on two heavily escorted hostile convoys, (he) directed the action which resulted in the sinking of two enemy cargo ships and the damaging of two other vessels despite strong enemy antiaircraft activity guarding the convoys..." 


 Navy Cross: "For extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the USS HAWKBILL during the Second War Patrol of that vessel in enemy Japanese controlled waters from November 15, 1944, to January 5, 1945. Pursuing highly aggressive and tenacious tactics, Commander Scanland launched a series of brilliant torpedo attacks against enemy shipping to sink a Japanese destroyer, a high speed transport and a sea truck totaling 2300 tons. Despite enemy countermeasures, he coolly and skillfully directed his ship and brought it safe to port..." 


Gold Star in lieu of a Second Silver Star Medal: "For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity... in action during (the)...Third War Patrol in enemy controlled waters of the Southwest Pacific Area from February 4, to April 6, 1945. After making an attack on an enemy convoy on the night of February 20-21, Commander Scanland carried out skillful evasive maneuvers and escaped damage following detection by an escort vessel which closed to 1,300 yards and rained a hail of gunfire on his ship. Then, undaunted, he attacked again and sank one large and one medium cargo ship, scoring six hits with six torpedoes. In a third attack, he struck at the convoy in very shallow water, but the phosphorescent torpedo wake was detected and evaded by the energy. Carrying out a hazardous special mission in the restricted waters of Lombok Strait on another occasion, Commander Scanland aggressively directed his gun and torpedo crews in sinking two small cargo ships, one PC, and ten landing craft, thereby effectively clearing the important passage..." 


Legion of Merit: "For exceptionally meritorious conduct... as Commanding Officer of the USS HAWKBILL during that vessel's Fourth War Patrol in enemy Japanese controlled waters of the Southwest Pacific from May 5 to June 18, 1945. Fearlessly executing a surface attack on an enemy minelayer which was close to an Allied minefield and in seventeen fathoms of water, (he) launched two torpedoes which damaged the target. After repeated attempts to renew his attack in the face of heavy enemy fire, he finally launched another torpedo to sink the hostile vessel..." 


Gold Star in lieu of a Third Silver Star Medal: "For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Commanding Officer of the USS HAWKBILL during the Fifth War Patrol of that vessel in enemy Japanese-controlled waters of the Southwest Pacific War Area, from July 12 to August 19, 1945…Commander Scanland sought out and destroyed the enemy at every opportunity despite the most intense hostile countermeasures. On July 18, he launched a daring attack on a formidable enemy destroyer and, although severely depth-charged during the course of the attack, succeeded in saving his ship from complete destruction. Upon completion of emergency repairs at an advanced base, he resumed his patrol and conducted further attacks to sink five enemy vessels, totaling seven hundred tons. On August 11, he directed a landing at Terampah Town, Siantan Island, where a Japanese garrison and gasoline storage were destroyed..." 


He also received the Ribbon for and a facsimile of the Navy Unit Commendation awarded the USS HAWKBILL for outstanding heroism during her first four war patrols. 


Detached from command of the HAWKBILL in March 1946 he had duty at the Submarine Base, Key West, Florida. During his stay at Key West, he was Naval Attache to President Harry Truman. He accompanied the President on many walks and got to know Harry Truman quite well. Scanland remained there until August 1947, after which he attended a course at the Antiaircraft and Guided Missile School, Fort Bliss, Texas. Between July and October 1948 he was assigned to the Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, California. In October 1948 he joined the staff of Commander Submarine Squadron SEVEN and in November 1949 transferred to the staff of Commander Submarine Squadron FIVE. In January 1950 he became Commander Submarine Division FIFTY-ONE, and from April 1951 until May 1953 served as Executive Officer, later Commanding Officer, of the Naval Powder Factory, Indian Head, Maryland. 


In May 1953 he reported as Chief Staff Officer to Commander Submarine Flotilla ONE and in July 1954 became Commander Submarine Squadron FIVE. He commanded the oiler TOLOVANA from September 1955 until February 1956, after which he served as Head of the Ballistic Missiles Branch, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department. In April 1957 he joined the staff of Commander Carrier Division TWENTY as Chief of Staff and Aide. The next year he was ordered as Commander Destroyer Squadron NINETEEN, and on March 3, 1959, was transferred to command of the Naval Ammunition Depot, Charleston, South Carolina, In the summer of 1961 he became Director, Undersea Warfare Programs, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Navy Department, and a year later was ordered to command, Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Virginia. 


In addition to the Navy Cross, the Silver Star Medal with two Gold Stars, the Legion of Merit with Combat "V", and the Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon, Captain Scanland has the China Service Medalthe American Defense Service MedalFleet Clasp; the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal; the World War II Victory Medal; the National Defense Service Medal; and the Philippine Liberation Ribbon with one star. 



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