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民國31年(1942), TM 9-727C M5A1司徒戰車技術手冊


TM 9-727C, WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL LIGHT TANK M5A1, DECEMBER 22,1942 | Black Water Museum Collections

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

TM 9-727C, WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL  LIGHT TANK M5A1, DECEMBER 22,1942 | Black Water Museum Collections
TM 9-727C, WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL LIGHT TANK M5A1, DECEMBER 22,1942 | Black Water Museum Collections

TM 9-727C, WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL  LIGHT TANK M5A1, DECEMBER 22,1942 | Black Water Museum Collections
TM 9-727C, WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL LIGHT TANK M5A1, DECEMBER 22,1942 | Black Water Museum Collections

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

PART ONE-Operating Instructions

Section 1



a. This technical manual is intended to serve temporarily (pending the publication of a more complete revision) to give information and guidance to the personnel of the using arms charged with the opera tion, maintenance and minor repairs of this materiel.

b. Sections I through IX contain information chiefly for the guid ance of operating personnel. Sections X through XXVI contain infor mation intended chiefly for the guidance of personnel of the using arms doing maintenance work on the vehicle.

C. The last section of this manual lists all standard nomenclature lists, technical manuals, and other publications for the material described herein.


a. The Light Tank M5A1 (figs. 1 to 6) is an armored, full track laying combat vehicle carrying a four-man crew, and equipped with dual driving controls.

b. It is powered by two 8-cylinder, 90 degree, V-type, liquid-cooled Cadillac engines, located in the rear of the hull. The flywheel end of each engine is connected to a Hydra-matic transmission. The propeller shaft from each power plant runs forward through the fighting com partment to a transfer unit located to the right of the driver's seat. The transmissions, plus the two-speed transfer unit, provide six forward speeds and one reverse speed. The vehicle is wired for radio. installation and for an intraphone system within the vehicle.

C.The basic hull armor plate is a completely welded structure, except for portions of front, top, and rear, which are removable for service operations. The armor on the front of the vehicle is 1 1/8 inches (28.6mm) thick with the exception of the nose-casting which is 1½ inches (38.1mm)thick; on the sides of the fighting compartment it is 1 1/8 inches (28.6mm) thick; on sides

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

and rear of engine compartment it is 1 inch thick, while the hull roof is ½ inch armor plate.

d. The turret is 49 3/4 inch external width. Armor plate on front is 1½ inches thick; on sides 1/4 inches, and on roof ½ inch thick. The turret can be rotated through 360 degrees by means of a hydraulic traversing mechanism or by hand.

e. There is an auxiliary power plant in the vehicle consisting of generating set powered by a single-cylinder gasoline engine. This unit supplements the engine generators for charging the battery.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

b. Engine.

Rated net horsepower at output shaft (each engine) 110 at 3,400 rpm.

Number of cylinders (each engine).................8

Weight of engine with accessories and transmission (each engine).................1,375 lb (623.7 kg)

Firing order.................1, 8, 7, 3, 6, 5, 4, 2 (fig. 65)

C. Armament.

1 37-mm Gun M6 and 1 cal. .30 Machine Gun M1919A5, fixed, mounted in a combination Gun Mount M23 in turret.

1 cal. .30 Machine Gun M1919A4, flexible, in ball mount in bow.

1 cal. .30 Machine Gun M1919A4, flexible, antiaircraft, outside turret.

1 cal. .45 Thompson Submachine Gun M1928A1 carried on brackets within vehicle.

2 cal. .30 Tripod Machine Gun Mounts M2.

d. Ammunition Carried.

39 rounds, 37-mm ammunition, high-explosive.

65 rounds, 37-mm ammunition, armor piercing.

19 rounds, 37-mm ammunition, cannister.

6,000 rounds, cal. .30 ammunition, plus 750 rounds in boxes mounted

on guns.

540 rounds, cal. .45 ammunition in 30 round clips, or 360 rounds in 20 round clips.

12 hand grenades.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

Section II



a. General. There is a total of five doors in the vehicle, one for each driver, in the fighting compartment roof, one each for the 37-mm gunner and the commander in the turret, and an escape door in the hull floor behind the assistant driver. A periscope is provided in each driver's door, and three periscopes are provided in the turret.

b. Turret Doors. The operation of each turret door is identical.

(1) OPENING. To open a turret door, the two latches must first be

released by pulling down on the handles and swinging the latches clear (fig. 7). The door may then be swung up and locked in its open position. The locking lever is then used as an assist lever in closing the door,

open. To lock a turret door open, the locking lever must first be raised to allow the door to lay back past the stop. The lever should then be

placed back into its clip on the door. This positions the stop on the locking device so that the door cannot be accidentally closed (fig. 7).

(2) CLOSING. To close a turret door, the locking lever must be raised.

The locking lever is then used as an assist lever in closing the door, making it much easier to handle the overhung door weight from within

the turret. The lever may be left hanging down when door is in closed. position, or if preferred, may be swung up into retaining clip.


When driving the vehicle, the turret doors must be locked in either their open or closed position so as to avoid the accidental opening or closing which might result in personal injury.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

c. Periscopes.

(1) All periscopes, except the gunner's, have a traverse of 360 de grees and an elevation of 26 degrees and depression of 27 degrees from the vertical. The gunner's periscope is in a fixed mount to permit traverse with the gun only and is connected by suitable linkage with the gun mount so that elevation and depression coincide.

(2) Periscopes can be raised to the using position or lowered for complete protection by loosening the knurled knob and moving the peri scope to the desired position.

(3) Periscope units are replaced complete in the event of damage by turning back the latch (fig. 8), loosening the knurled knob, remov ing the damaged unit, and installing a new one.

d. Driver's Doors. The operation of each driver's door is identical. (1) OPENING. To open the door, it is first necessary to release the latch at the inner edge of the door by pulling down on the handle and swinging the latch clear. (An overcenter spring on each latch will hold the handle up out of the way when it is opened.) The door can then be swung up to its open position. NOTE: Be sure that door is fully opened so that the "hold open" locking device snaps into position.

(2) CLOSING. To close the door, it is necessary first to pull down the lever of the "hold open" lock so that the stop pin will be disengaged from the door hinge (fig. 9). While holding this lever down, start the door forward and it can then be lowered to its closed position. CAUTION: When driving with door closed, always lock it shut with the latch.

e. Escape Door. An escape door is provided in the hull floor behind the assistant driver's seat (fig. 10).

(1) OPENING. For emergency operation the auxiliary driver should reach over his seat back with left hand, raise lever on escape door, and let entire escape door (and 37-mm spare parts box) drop to ground. If more time is available and more convenience in leaving vehicle is desired, the auxiliary driver's seat back and the 37-mm gun parts box can be removed.

(2) INSTALLATION. To put the escape door back in place, raise rear end of door through opening in floor of hull and hook clips over edge of opening making sure door is pushed as far back as possible. Hold lever in a vertical position and raise door into place. Swing lever downward towards door into its locking position. Due to the design of the latch mechanism, the outer end of the lever should snap tightly to the door.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏


a. General. In designating instruments, the instrument on the right-hand side of the instrument panel applies to the engine on the right-hand side of the vehicle and the instrument on the left-hand side of the instrument panel applies to the engine on the left-hand side of the vehicle.

b. Master Battery Switch. The master battery switch is located on the front edge of the apparatus box on the left-side of the hull. When in the "OFF" position, it disconnects all electrical circuits. Pull out and turn the switch handle to place in "ON" position. Turn and release. the handle to return to the off position. NOTE: Never pull master switch to stop engines; always use ignition switches. If master switch is pulled, engines will not stop and generators will be ruined.

c. Ignition Switches. The ignition switches are located on the outside corners of the instrument panel (fig. 11). There are two switches, one for each engine.

d. Starter Button. The starter buttons are located in the lower area of each instrument panel. There are two buttons, one for each engine. The ignition must be on when cranking the engine.

e. Oil Pressure Gages. There are two oil pressure gages, one for each engine, located on each side of the instrument panel. The gages operate and are connected electrically to oil pressure units on the engines.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏

f. Temperature Gages. There are two temperature gages, one for each engine, located above each ignition switch. These gages are connected electrically to the thermal units on the engines.

g. Warning Signals. Warning signals on engine temperature and pressure are located, one on each side, in the lower area of the instru ment panel. A red light flashes if oil pressure drops below 12 pounds or engine temperature increases above 240 F. Check the oil and tem perature gages to determine exactly which system is at fault. Three warning signals are also located along the lower edge of the instrument panel, one for each transmission and one for the transfer unit. A red light in one of these indicates dangerously low oil pressure (below 60 lb). The operation of these signals is completely covered in paragraph 148.


h. Tachometers. There are two tachometers, one for each engine, located in the upper outside corners of the instrument panel and geared to the distributor drive shafts. These instruments indicate the speed of each engine in revolutions per minute and also indicate total revolu tions per minute each engine has been operated.

i. Ammeter. The ammeter is located in the left center of the instru ment panel and connected so as to indicate the amount of charge or discharge in the main battery circuit. j. Voltmeter. The voltmeter is located at the right center of the in strument panel. It indicates the voltage in the main battery circuit.

k. Speedometer. The speedometer is located in the lower center of the instrument panel. It indicates the speed of the vehicle and the mileage traveled.

1. Lighting Switches. The use of the lighting switches is covered in paragraph 15.

m. Siren Switch. The siren switch is located on the floor of the driv ing compartment (fig. 12). A reset button for use in case the siren cir cuit breaker opens is located on top of the instrument panel (fig. 11).


a. General. The steering brake levers and the accelerator in this vehicle are duplicated to provide for dual control. Other controls are not duplicated.

b. Accelerator. Individual foot accelerators are provided for the driver and assistant driver for dual control of the vehicle. Each ac celerator controls both engines. The hand throttle is on the driver's. side, located just above the instrument panel where it can be reached by the assistant driver (fig. 12). The hand throttle is self-locking in any position and is released by means of a spring button in the center of the control knob.

C. Choke. An automatic choke mechanism located on the carbure tors provides the correct fuel mixture for starting the engines. This sim plifies the starting procedure (par. 10).

d. Spark Control. The spark control is provided by means of centrifugal weights in the distributor. It is fully automatic and governed by engine speed. It requires no attention whatever from the driver.

e. Steering Levers. Dual steering levers for the driver and assistant driver are mounted on the upper front deck of the vehicle. To steer the vehicle, pull the lever on the side toward which it is desired to turn. See paragraph 11 for detailed information on steering. Either set of levers may be swung forward when they are not being used.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏


f. Brakes. Pulling back simultaneously on both steering levers slows down or stops the vehicle, depending on the effort applied. The stop light goes on when both levers are pulled back, provided the lighting switch is in any position other than "OFF." Parking brake controls on the left-hand or driver's steering levers permit these levers to be locked in the "ON" position. Move the controls to the right for unlocking, to the left for locking the levers.

g. Clutch. There is no clutch pedal. Due to the fluid coupling be tween the engines and the transmissions and the automatic features of the transmissions, there is no need for a foot-operated clutch.

h. Shifting Controls.

(1) The driver does not shift gears with the Hydra-matic trans missions. Gear changes are controlled by engine load and accelerator position and are made automatically by hydraulic governors.

(2) Two controls are provided, however, for specific uses: a trans mission selector lever and a transfer unit control lever. The transmis sion selector lever is provided so that the transmissions can be put in neutral, forward driving range, low range, or reverse. The transfer unit control lever has driving and low range positions.

(3) The driving range positions, labeled "DR" on both the trans mission and transfer unit levers, are used for normal forward driving. With the controls in these positions, the vehicle will start from a stand still in low gear and the mechanism will shift up automatically through the successive gears to sixth (direct drive) as the vehicle speed in creases. The mechanism will also downshift automatically to lower gears as vehicle speed is reduced, either because the accelerator pedal is released or due to an upgrade.


a. Seats for both the driver and the assistant driver have two ad justment ranges:

(1) HORIZONTAL. Directly in front of each seat, on the under side, is an L-shaped handle which controls forward and backward movement. Over-all travel is 3 inches, or 1½ inches either forward or backward from the center position. The seat is locked in the desired position when

the handle is released.

(2) VERTICAL. The second adjustment allows seats to raise with a 3-inch forward swing. The control lever for this adjustment is on the hull side of each seat. To raise the seat, raise the control lever and take weight off the seat. It will move upward and forward into position by spring action. To lower the seat, raise control lever, and body weight will force the seat down.


a. Before the engines are started, the prestarting inspection out lined in paragraph 26 must be completed.


a. For the best performance, only gasoline with octane rating of 80 or above should be used in the vehicle. NOTE: It is important to turn the fuel shut-off valve on before attempting to start the engine, and equally important to turn it off when the engines are turned off and the vehicle is going to be out of use for more than a very short period.

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏



a. Normal Starting. Under normal conditions, the engines should be started according to the following procedure:

(1) Set the brakes.

(2) Depress the accelerator pedal ¼ to ½ of full travel. CAUTION: Do not pump accelerator.

(3) Place transmission selector lever at neutral. This will reduce the load on the starting motors and battery.

(4) Turn the ignition switches on for both engines.

(5) Press starter button for each engine until the engine fires. CAUTION: Both engines should be started at the same time, except at subzero temperature.

b. Engine Test.

(1) As soon as the engines are started, the oil gages should be ob served. Pressure at idling speed should be about 15 pounds, at operating speed about 30 pounds. If the gages do not indicate oil pressure within one minute, the engines should be shut off and an investigation made. Do not drive vehicle while engine or transmission warning signals are red. NOTE: The transfer unit signal will remain red until the vehicle has started to move.

(2) The ammeter should also be watched to see that the generators are charging. If the ammeter does not indicate (charge) with the en gines idling, speed up engines by momentarily depressing accelerator. If ammeter needle does not move to (charge) side, look for slipping generator belts or broken connections.

(3) The temperature gages should indicate between 150 F and 240 F after the engines are warmed up, depending on operating condi tions. If temperature exceeds 240 F at which temperature the warning signal lights, stop engines and investigate for loss of coolant. CAU TION: When removing a filler cap from a hot radiator, always vent the radiator long enough to let all steam pressure escape before remov ing the cap, otherwise there is a possibility of serious personal injury. To vent radiator, turn the cap to the left (counterclockwise) until the first stop is reached. After the cap has remained in this position one half minute, or long enough to vent radiator thoroughly, press down on cap to clear stop and turn further to left to remove it (fig. 72). When installing a radiator cap, be sure the gasket is in place and in good condition and the radiator cap is turned all the way to the right (clockwise) so that the entire cooling system will be sealed while operating.


(4) Check for loose parts.

(5) Check for unusual noises in each power train and engine.

C. Engine Warm-Up. The engine does not require any warm-up period in mild weather, except the time required to check the gages mentioned above. At temperatures below freezing, the warm-up periods listed in subparagraph f below should be observed.

d. Flooded Engines.

(1) If the engines do not start readily in mild or warm weather, the most likely cause is a flooded condition in the carburetor or intake manifolds. This can be corrected by fully depressing the accelerator and then cranking the engines. As soon as the engines start, the throttle should be closed to prevent "racing" of the engines.

(2) Flooding usually occurs more severely in one engine so that one engine starts and the other does not. In this case, the one engine that is operating should be shut off, the accelerator pressed all the way down, and the flooded engine cranked until it starts. The other engine can then be restarted with a minimum of "racing" either engine. The accelerator pedal should not be pumped.

e. Starting Hot Engines. When starting hot engines, the accelerator pedal should be held halfway open or wider; otherwise the procedure is the same.

f. Cold-Weather Starting and Warm-Up.

(1) The procedure for starting the engine in cold weather (tem peratures down to 30 F below zero) is the same as the normal starting procedure, except that engines should be started one at a time. Engines will not start at the lower temperatures, however, unless they are in good mechanical condition and lubricated with the proper grade of light engine oil, and unless the battery is fully charged.

(2) When the engines have started, allow them to run at 800 to 900 revolutions per minute for 4 or 5 minutes, to allow the oil to warm up before depressing the throttle further. This should be done with the Hydra-matic selector lever in neutral. Then, shift the selector lever to "DR" and allow the engines to idle for several minutes more to warm up the oil in the transmissions. Do not drive the vehicle over 5 miles per hour for at least 10 minutes after starting, to permit the oil in the transfer unit and controlled differential to warm up.

g. Starting One Engine with the Other. If only one engine starts readily, it can be used to start the other engine by simply driving the

民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏 - Figure 23-Ammunition Stowage


✔ CAL 30 AMMUNITION BOXES (24) (250 ROUNDS IN EACH BOX) 250*24=6000




民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏
民國31年 (1942), TM 9-727C M5A1 司徒戰車技術手冊 | 黑水博物館館藏


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