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1948 Press Photo Certificates of medals taken from Communist troops in China,1-18-1948《Black Water Museum Collections》



1948 Press Photo Certificates of medals taken from Communist troops in China,1-18-1948《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國37年,國軍自共軍擄獲的獎章,民國37年1月18日《黑水博物館館藏》
1948 Press Photo Certificates of medals taken from Communist troops in China,1-18-1948《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國37年,國軍自共軍擄獲的獎章,民國37年1月18日《黑水博物館館藏》

1948 Press Photo Certificates of medals taken from Communist troops in China,1-18-1948《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國37年,國軍自共軍擄獲的獎章,民國37年1月18日《黑水博物館館藏》
1948 Press Photo Certificates of medals taken from Communist troops in China,1-18-1948《Black Water Museum Collections》 民國37年,國軍自共軍擄獲的獎章,民國37年1月18日《黑水博物館館藏》

MEDALS-This set of pictures from Sinkiang Province, inside China, was taken during fighting in the last few months. It was in Sinkiang Province that Russians reportedly fought with Chinese nationalists, although there were denials and counterclaims of that report. Nationalist Chinese have said many times that Russia is aiding Communists in the war against nationalist China. These certificates of medals reportedly were taken from Chinese Communist troops in Manchuria, They are written in Russian.

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