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民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564

民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564 民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564 民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564 民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564 民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

WS-38 Mark II was the standard issue infantry radio set, used during WWII by the British Army. It was introduced in 1942 and by the end of the war, more than 100,000 had been made. Although stricktly speaking this radio is not a real spy radio set, it was used during landing operations in Yugoslavia and Norway, where it was used for short-range traffic between covertly operating U-Boats and agents on the coast line.


  • Frequency: 7.4 to 9.2 MHz

  • Modulation: AM

  • Range: ~ 0.5 mile (4 ft. rod), 2 miles (12 ft. rod)

  • Output: 200 mW

  • Power: HT: 105 V, LT: 3 V

  • Current: RX: 9/240 mA, TX: 16/480 mA

  • Weight: 22 pounds

1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564 民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
1942, British Army, Wireless Set No. 38 Mk.II, HF transceiver, SN.23564 民國31年,英國陸軍,38號馬克二型短波無線電(WS38 Mk.II),序號23564號《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》


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