The Junks and Sampans of the Yangtze, G.R.G. Worcester (Author)
A definitive study of the Yangtze craft, complete with carefully detailed scale drawings, the result of the author's research and experience during his 30-year career as a river inspector in China. A lavishly produced volume.
"There is really nothing to compare it with, and it is unlikely that it will be superseded in the foreseeable future."--The New York Times
"Definitive in its genre."--Publishers Weekly
"The best single reference on the subject."--American Neptune
"Worcester's imposing work has no equal and not even a close competitor."--Dolphin Book Club News
Ever since Marco Polo came home from Cathay some seven hundred years ago with colorful tales of a strange land, westerners have marveled at the timelessness and vastness of China, and the infinite variety of all things Chinese. One such aspect of China was noted by another traveller, Gabriel Magaillans, who nearly three hundred years ago wrote ". . . there are more vessels in China than in all the rest of the known world." In a country so dependent on water transportation for thousands of years, this was most true. The rivers and harbors of China teem with junks and sampans, and almost as amazing as their numbers is the multitudinous variety of types, evolved over the centuries to meet the needs of special and sometimes rather exotic kinds of waterborne commerce.
What one brings home from China depends in part on what one took there; what Worcester took was curiosity and understanding, and what he brought back was the warp and woof with which he has masterfully woven a rich fabric of Chinese culture and customs.
The China seen by Marco Polo has disappeared, and that known by Worcester is fast going. Here is a chance to let an old China hand take you to one of the great rivers of the world for a last look at a timeless land just before time there ceased to stand still.
In The Junks and Sampans of the Yangtze, G. R. G. Worcester has written and illustrated a definitive work that will excite the historian, traveler, collector, naval architect, sailor, and modelmaker alike. "This unique book is a comprehensive and authoritative record of the vessels which for centuries provided practically the sole means of communication and transportation in the vast area drained by one of the world's greatest waterways," writes L. K. Little, former Inspector General of the Chinese Customs Service. "These remarkable ships deserve an unusual biographer, and in Mr. Worcester they have found one." 656 pages with over 900 illustrations, fully indexed, including margin notes and personal comments on the author's 30 years among the resourceful and ingenious junkmen of the Yangtze River.
G.R.G Worcester (1890-1969) termed himself a sailor by profession. Born in England in 1890, he entered the Royal Navy in the days of sail and rounded the Horn as a midshipman. Although he turned his back on salt water in 1919, the balance of his professional life was spent within sight and sound of water of some sort. He left the Navy to join the Marine Department of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, and during his thirty years as River Inspector he assisted in surveying, marking, and opening the Yangtze to steam navigation to a point 1,450 miles from the sea. In his wanderings up and down the coast and rivers of China, he developed a deep interest in, and affection for, the junkmen and their craft.
出版者 : Naval Institute Press; Illustrated版 (1 12 月 2020)
語言 : English
Hardcover : 656 頁
ISBN-10 : 1682476367
ISBN-13 : 978-1682476369
商品重量 : 2.96 Kilograms
尺寸 : 23.88 x 4.06 x 30.48 cm

夏士德(Worcester)在中國期間因職務之便在長江流域做長期的旅行調查,以長江水系為中心,編織出中國傳統帆船的經緯。後來出版了這部《THE JUNKS & SAMPANS OF THE YANGTZE》長江之帆船與舢板,此書約記錄了243種船型並繪製船圖。民國36年(主曆1947年)於上海出版。 第一冊主要內容為:
第一章,中國帆船的歷史,藝術和文學 第二章, 入海口及上海地區的帆船和舢板 第三章, 推動力的各種方式 第四章,桅杆和船帆 第五章,帆片支架,中國的板片和方法 第六章,中國的指南針 第七章,錨和舵 第八章,長江入海口地區船隻介紹 第九章,上海與黃浦江地區船隻介紹 第十章,蘇州河地區船隻介紹 第十一章,漁船舢舨
第十二章,長江上的帆船 第十三章,長江下游地區:蕪湖口船隻介紹 第十四章,糧船 第十五章,大運河船隻介紹 第十六章,戰船 第十七章,長江中下游:蕪湖至漢口船隻介紹 第十八章,鄱陽湖地區船隻介紹 第十九章,漢江地區船隻介紹 第二十章,洞庭湖地區船隻介紹 第二十一章,資江地區船隻介紹 第二十二章,沅江地區船隻介紹 第二十三章,嘉陵江地區船隻介紹 第二十四章,長江中游船隻介紹
作者:G.R.G. Worcester (George Raleigh Gray Worcester),1890-1969年,中文名:夏士德早年畢業於英國皇家海軍學校,民國8年(主曆1919年)進入中華民國海關總稅務司的海事部門(Marine Department),於河務督察任內工作了近30年直至退休。夏士德在中國期間因職務之便得以在長江流域做長期的旅行和田野調查,更因興趣和深愛船民和他們看似粗陋的船,一共記錄了243種船型並繪製船圖,以長江水係為中心,編織出中國傳統帆船的經緯。夏士德於民國29年(主曆1940年)在上海出版了 The Junks & Sampans of Upper Yangtze,民國36年(主曆1947年)在上海出版了 The Junks & Sampans of The Yangtze,該書的增補版於民國59年(主曆1970年)於美國出版。夏士德退休之後受令於前中國海關總稅務司梅茲,督造著名的中國帆船模型《梅茲藏品》,其中部分模型為夏士德親手製作,這批模型現藏於倫敦的科學博物館。